WHITE SEA is a commercial company of import-export, established in Rotterdam, Netherland, that is offering foods and commodities.
Our company benefits of a high expertise in the distribution of foods and commodities and is always evolving in line with the trends.
Thanks to the constant quality & diversity of the products, is nowadays a global player, meeting the demands of the consumers all over the world. In the foods sector, having the needs and expectations of the customers always in mind, WHITE SEA provides a variety of products and commodities solutions.
WHITE SEA has been in the food sector enjoys a strong position. We started the business from West and Central African where we had synergies of cost-sharing with other products in our group portfolio. Over time we have improved our presence across origins and markets thereby expanding our participation across trade flows, and are a preferred supplier to some of the world’s big food and commodity customers.
We participate in all of the big food-producing areas and at all levels, to provide the best value proposition to both farmers and our customers. We buy our foods from all levels including small-scale and large-scale farmers, cooperatives and a huge range of collectors. The breadth and strength of the WHITE SEA network ensures that we are most cost-effective and quality buyers, communicating directly with farmers as a crucial feedback mechanism to ensure good quality output.
WHITE SEA participates at various levels in the global supply chain. In most places, we participate at farm,warehouse and logistic levels . The products have to pass our stringent quality parameters before they are accepted into our system.
We have procurement offices at multiple locations in Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso, Tchad, Cameroon, Central Africa and Congo. Apart from these, we also have representatives and agents in other origins including Kenya.